Well, today I have decided I have a new favorite number: 29!!! I went to the doctor today, January 29th. Everything looks good, except my iron levels have dropped so he gave me a prescription for iron pills. Joy of joys. ANYWAY, while I was there they weighed me in and he measured my belly. I am 29 weeks along, I have gained 29 pounds, and my belly measured 29 centimeters. And well, we all know I'm 29 years old. So lets recap: January 29th, 29 years old, 29 weeks pregnant, 29 pounds gained, belly measured 29 centimeters. So you see, I have no choice but to consider 29 my lucky number!!!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I also had to get my Rhogam shot today. This is to protect baby from my negative blood type. Um yea...that shot hurt! I have to get another one after I give birth. Joy of joys...again. I have to thank my dad for this. He is ultimately the reason I have this big pain in my, um....rear end right now!!! THANKS DAD!
I also read today that being left-handed can make for a more presidential demeanor. And since James is left-handed, there is a good chance I may be cooking a future US president. I'm just sayin....
OK, all that being said, I never got around to posting my 28 week belly pic. So here it is....along with my 4 week pic so I can remember that I've not always been HUGE!!!
Oh man!!!! I miss my tan!!!!
Posted by Momma Brinkley at 8:54 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Happy 2009! Welcome to the 3rd Trimester!
Whew! Where do I begin??? There is soooo much I need to post that I'll probably forget something!
1) James and I drove to Indiana to celebrate a late Christmas and New Years with my family! It was soooooooooo good to see everyone. Kirsten & Jason got me a pregnancy body pillow which has been a LIFE SAVER!!! I can't sleep without it!!! Dad & Marsha got me my Sperry's!!! YAY!!! I've been wearing those NON-STOP! Dad made pumpkin pie and Grandpa made chocolate fudge and I WAS IN HEAVEN!!! I ate too much, but that's what holidays with family is all about....right???
2) While there Kirsten threw us our VERY FIRST EVER BABY SHOWER!!!! It was Mickey themed and it was SO CUTE!!! A picture of the invitation is below! We had a blast!!! They had us blind folded and wanted to see who could diaper a stuffed animal first. WELL little did we know they were going to BLAST us in the face with silly string!!! HOWEVER, I clearly won! James couldn't even figure out how to open the diaper...or maybe I am just THAT good! In any case, I diapered the "baby" all while trying to avoid the silly string! We received a lot of good presents! Too many to name off, but I have a link to all of the pictures. You can see everything we got, and everyone who was in attendance! FUN WAS HAD BY ALL!

3) I had my 26 week doctor's appointment and saw Dr. Dean for the first time. He was funny. He had me sign the release form so they had my permission to deliver the baby. That darn form was so funny! I mean, if you actually read it (which I did because they left us waiting in that room FOREVER!) you have to wonder what kind of people they are dealing with. It first said "The diagnosis requiring this procedure is: PREGNANCY." I'm 26 weeks....THANKS FOR TELLING ME!!! Like I didn't know! Then it said
"The alternative to a vaginal delivery is Ceserean Section. The alternative to Ceserean Section is vaginal delivery. If neither of these options are suitable for you, you may be putting your health in serious risk." YA THINK????? Who is THAT STUPID that they need to put that????? ANYWAY, baby's heart sounded nice and strong and everything seemed to be going along as planned. I did gain another 6 pounds which put the grand total by 26 weeks at 25 pounds gained. Dr. Dean didn't seem worried about the weight, but said if I was worried I could follow the South Beach Diet. Hahahahaha! I'm following the "I'm-Pregnant-and-I'm-Flipping-Hungry-So-I'm-Gonna-Eat-What-I-Want" diet! AMEN!!!
4) I've been horrible with my belly pics! I DID remember to take my 26 week pic though! My 24 week pic is in the previous post...that's all I have for that week. My 25 week picture is with Kirsten....which could also be her 28 week pic (LOL!). And yes, I completely forgot to take a 27 week pic. I would take one tonight and post, but I'll be 28 weeks Friday and I'll just post that one. SO here are the 25 & 26 week belly pics! My belly looks SO much different in clothes!
5) I have another doctors appointment next Thursday (1/29). I will be 29 weeks then. After that appointment I will be going every 2 weeks instead of 4 weeks until 35 weeks. Once I hit 35 weeks, I'll be going every week. We have our 4D ultrasound scheduled for Friday, February 6th. I'm so excited to see his precious little face!!! I told James we WILL have a name by then so we can put his precious little name on his precious little picture! SO hopefully you'll know baby boy's name in less than 3 weeks!!!
Posted by Momma Brinkley at 6:45 PM 1 comments
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