4/10 is what James says when we hang up the phone. Not sure why or how it started, but instead of saying "10-4" like the rest of the world does when signing off, he switches it up. So this is the reason I jumped at the chance of having Preston's birthday be April 10th (4/10). That's right my friends....Dr. Brass offered to induce me and I said YES!!! So if all goes well, little Preston James will be here Friday! AHHHHHHHH!!!!! So exciting and nerve-wracking all at the same time!Since it's been an entire month since I last posted there is LOTS to catch up. Ok, so the first paragraph is the MAIN source of info, but I have a few more belly pictures, pictures of the nursery, and a picture of what MIGHT be Preston's coming home outfit (still deciding on this...).
I was "checked" at my 35 week appointment and wasn't dilated at all, but a week later at my 36 week appointment I was dilated 1 centimeter. Woo-hoo progress! By my 37 week appointment I had progressed to 2 centimeters. Between my 37 and 38 week appointments, I was in a lot of pain. I was afraid I was going to go into labor early, but at my 38 week appointmet I was still at 2 centimeters....possibly 2 1/2....but nothing to get too overly excited about. I was getting a little bummed about being in all that pain and not making any progress, but then Dr. Brass asked if I was ok with being induced at 39 weeks. UM....YEA!!! I don't know if it was because I had been so uncomfortable or if it was because my belly is measuring big or if it was Divine Intervention, but I didn't argue. BRING ON THE PITOCIN!
Hahahahahaha!!! I have to go back Thursday, April 9th to get checked one last time by Dr. Dean (he will be the one who delivers me if Preston comes on Friday....Or it will be Dr. Brass if Preston is stubborn and comes on
Saturday.) I will then get all the information I need for Friday; like when to show up and what exactly will happen. I really like Dr. Dean, but have only seen him twice so I'm a little nervous. I really would have rather had Dr. Jarvis, since he's been my doctor for the last 5 years...but I guess it won't matter as long as I have a healthy Preston at the end of it all.
So here are my 34, 36, and 38 week belly shots. I'll take one last picture tomorrow at 39 weeks before delivering just so I can have on record how big I actually got!

It's really hard to tell the growth because they are taken at different angles, but at least you get the gist of it.
Here is a link to the nursery pics. It's not COMPLETELY done, but it's done enough for now. Also the last picture in this album is the outfit we are considering for Preston's coming home outfit....if anything changes, I'll let y'all know!
AHHH! I almsot forgot, I had maternity pictures taken a few weeks back and forgot to share those also! Here's the links to the proofs.