Well, Christmas has come and gone, and little baby boy still does not have a name. ARGH! I told James I wanted a name by Christmas, but oh well. Maybe we'll shoot for New Years, but that probably won't happen either. We already have his nursery furniture (crib, changing table, & dresser) already here at the house, although the nursery is FAR from finished. We have the basic colors painted, but the chair rail still needs to be put up and the decorative painting needs to be done. My goal was to have that done before we left for Indiana for the holidays....but that's not going to happen either. MAN! I'm really falling behind here! Actually, I've been sick...remember?!?! Plus with all the holiday parties and stuff, we just haven't had any time. I actually woke up this morning and my bottom lip had exploded with 9 (NINE!!!!) fever blisters!!! It's huge! I'm not even kidding! So I headed over to Urgent Care to get some medicine for my lip. If it was just one blister, I would have suffered through it, but this is RIDICULOUS!!! Anyway, I'm very glad I went because evidently the sinus infection I had a few weeks back decided it didn't want to go away. It sent fluid to both ears that has now become pussy. EWWWWW! So I am BACK on antibiotics...plus cream for the blisters. HOPEFULLY the swelling will go down before we reach Indiana Monday.