So I had my 22 week appointment Friday and everything with baby boy looks/sounds great. This is the good news!
The bad news is that I have gained 10 POUNDS since my last appointment, which was only 4 weeks ago!!! The doctor said it was probably due to Thanksgiving, but I don't think so...I didn't eat THAT much. I really haven't been eating more than I normally do either. But anyway, so this brings to grand total to 19 pounds gained by 22 weeks! YIKES! fatty here! Then she measured my belly and it was 23 cm and I could just tell by the look on her face that that wasn't something to be proud of. So of course I asked..."Is that normal?" And she said with a BIG smile..."It's on the bigger side of the normal range." Even the doctor thinks I'm a total fatty! But then she looked at both James and I (because James is determined to go to all the appointments...YAY!!!!!!) and said "Well, you're both tall so maybe it's just a tall baby." Yeah, that made me feel better about being huge...thanks! But I'm very thankful that baby boy seems to be doing well and I will never take that for matter how much of a fatty he makes me!
Anyway, I did a little research after the appointment and found that your belly is supposed to measure in cm the amount of weeks you are. And since I was measuring 23 cm at 22 weeks...I don't think that is THAT bad!!! But I'll let y'all decide for yourselves. Here are some more belly pics. I'm not gonna lie...I was sucking in on the 22 week pic. I had just been told I was a fatty...I was trying to prove the doctor wrong. LOL

Gorgeous belly and nothing to worry about. You could also just be retaining a bit of water - that happens. You're going to be a hot mom by time that baby goes to daycare...seriously!
wow! look at that bump!! You look fabulous!
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