Yep, that's right! We saw a little weenie today! LOL! Baby Brinkley was just PERFECT! He had both hemispheres in his brain, all four chambers of his heart were visibly working, and both kidneys looked good as well. He was measuring four days ahead of schedule, and they COULD move my due date up to April 13th....but Dr. Thompson said they won't. I'm just SO THRILLED that everything looks great! He was moving all over the place. James couldn't believe how much he was moving....and he was even more surprised that I couldn't feel any of it. That did make me sad. The tech even commented on how "active" he was. She said I should be feeling movement ANY DAY NOW! I can't wait. It was so cute....about half way through the scan he got hiccups. Every time he'd hiccup, he'd punch his little fists. ADORABLE! Hopefully James and I can agree on his name soon.....but until we do; take a peek at Baby BOY Brinkley!!!! (OH...and I lost a pound since last week :)

Hi Clarissa,
Long time huh... Terri told me about your webpage and I had to take a peek. Wow! You have really done an amazing job. I wish I was more computer savvy.
I'm so happy for you and your husband. A little man is coming your way. Time for the fun part, registering. My husband and I are 24 wks pregnant with a little girl and we couldn't be happier.
I wish you and your family the absolute best.
Take care, Tori
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