Preston had his 6 month check up on October 22 (almost 2 weeks late and I'm still bitter!). He weighed 18 pounds 10 ounces and was 27 3/4 inches (I thought it was closer to 28 inches, but she didn't think I had his head up agains the board...whatever!). He's HUGE!!! He is in the 90th percentile for height and the 75th percentile for weight. Dr. Rodgers nicely put it..."He's bigger than the average baby, that's for sure!" Hahahahaha! Yes he is! She also said he's not fat since he's taller than he is heavy...if that make sense. I thought I wasn't feeding him enough, but HA! That is not the case OBVIOUSLY! He did get 3 shots, which he took like a champ. He screamed when she stuck the needle in, but then quit as soon as it was over; only to scream again two more times. Mean nurse! He stopped crying as soon as it was over. I picked him up and hugged him. He cuddled into my chest for only a few seconds before he sat up and started playing with my necklace. My big guy!!!
Not much else is new since Preston is refusing to do anything! He won't crawl...he won't even scoot! He just cries and flails his arms and legs out like he's sky diving. We bought him a walker and he just can't figure out how to put one foot in front of the other to make it move. He usually just ends up screaming and we take him out. He is sitting up by himself really well, and has been doing that for a while now. One thing that IS new is that he's babbling "dada dada dada dada" ALL THE TIME!!! What a STINKER! He doesn't know what he's saying though. When the doctor walked into the room last week (after we had waited for over TWO HOURS!!) he started with the "dada's" so even though he is saying "dada", he isn't referring to James. LOL Which makes my heart a little happier since we all know he should be saying "momma" first because I'M THE BEST!!!
I took Preston outside last weekend to see if I could get some fall pictures of him and he was amazingly cooperative. Our neighbor came over and brought one of her pumpkins since we don't have any fall decorations. She and her daughter helped me get Preston to smile. Her daughter, Anna Grace (4), had a good time squeaking Preston's toy for him. Here are a few of my favorites.
Gorgeous pictures!
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