How Old Are My Babies?

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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy Holidays!!!

Well, Christmas has come and gone, and little baby boy still does not have a name.  ARGH!  I told James I wanted a name by Christmas, but oh well.  Maybe we'll shoot for New Years, but that probably won't happen either.  We already have his nursery furniture (crib, changing table, & dresser) already here at the house, although the nursery is FAR from finished.  We have the basic colors painted, but the chair rail still needs to be put up and the decorative painting needs to be done.  My goal was to have that done before we left for Indiana for the holidays....but that's not going to happen either.  MAN!  I'm really falling behind here!  Actually, I've been sick...remember?!?!  Plus with all the holiday parties and stuff, we just haven't had any time.  I actually woke up this morning and my bottom lip had exploded with 9 (NINE!!!!) fever blisters!!!  It's huge!  I'm not even kidding!  So I headed over to Urgent Care to get some medicine for my lip.  If it was just one blister, I would have suffered through it, but this is RIDICULOUS!!!  Anyway, I'm very glad I went because evidently the sinus infection I had a few weeks back decided it didn't want to go away.  It sent fluid to both ears that has now become pussy.  EWWWWW!  So I am BACK on cream for the blisters.  HOPEFULLY the swelling will go down before we reach Indiana Monday.  

What else is new?  Well, I'm TOTALLY uncomfortable already and I know it's only going to get worse.  I can't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep.  I've been wanting to buy one of those pregnancy pillows, but since I'm cheap and don't want to spend the $60, I haven't gotten one.  LUCKILY Alison never used hers and has let me borrow it.  It's not the life saver I thought it would be, but it definitely helps!!!  Now if I could just get the doggies to understand that I don't want them sleeping on top of me anymore, I'd be doing ok!  I know I should just make them sleep on the floor, but I can't!  That would just break my heart!!!  (I know, I shouldn't complain then, right?!?)  Anyway, we're supposed to take my 24 week belly pic tomorrow; hopefully we can remember to do that since we completely forgot about week 23!  In case we forget though, here is a picture Leanna took of me and Pacey watching James take Rigsby for a ride on the tractor Christmas Day (23wks 6dys).Someone should have told me to STAND UP STRAIGHT!!!  Anyway, and for those of you who didn't get our Christmas cards because you failed to send me your address (or I forgot and please forgive me if I did!!!) here are the pictures that were on it!
Anyway, I hope everyone had a MERRY CHRISTMAS and best wishes for the New Year!!!!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Total Fatty!

So I had my 22 week appointment Friday and everything with baby boy looks/sounds great.  This is the good news!

The bad news is that I have gained 10 POUNDS since my last appointment, which was only 4 weeks ago!!!  The doctor said it was probably due to Thanksgiving, but I don't think so...I didn't eat THAT much.  I really haven't been eating more than I normally do either.  But anyway, so this brings to grand total to 19 pounds gained by 22 weeks!  YIKES! fatty here!  Then she measured my belly and it was 23 cm and I could just tell by the look on her face that that wasn't something to be proud of.  So of course I asked..."Is that normal?"  And she said with a BIG smile..."It's on the bigger side of the normal range."  Even the doctor thinks I'm a total fatty!  But then she looked at both James and I (because James is determined to go to all the appointments...YAY!!!!!!) and said "Well, you're both tall so maybe it's just a tall baby."  Yeah, that made me feel better about being huge...thanks!  But I'm very thankful that baby boy seems to be doing well and I will never take that for matter how much of a fatty he makes me!

Anyway, I did a little research after the appointment and found that your belly is supposed to measure in cm the amount of weeks you are.  And since I was measuring 23 cm at 22 weeks...I don't think that is THAT bad!!!  But I'll let y'all decide for yourselves.  Here are some more belly pics. I'm not gonna lie...I was sucking in on the 22 week pic.  I had just been told I was a fatty...I was trying to prove the doctor wrong.  LOL

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'm Sick!

I woke up yesterday morning to the worst sore throat EVER!  Of course I haven't had a sore throat since having my septum surgery last April, so it took me by major surprise!!!  James has been sickly since Thursday, so I can only assume he is the one who gave this horrible sore throat to me.  I was going to try to tough it out, but then I started thinking "What if it's an infection...and What if the infection spreads to the baby?!?!?!"  AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!  So I went to the doctor and sure enough...SINUS INFECTION!!!  Boogers!  Are you kidding me?!?!?!   AND on top of that....the vomiting is back.  The doctor warned me that could happen because of all the drainage going into my tummy, but I never actually thought it would happen.  WRONG!  I'm miserable!  My throat is seriously on fire and my head feels like it weighs 100 pounds.  He put me on amoxicillin, which is supposed to be safe for "pregnant girls"....but that doesn't stop me from worrying sick about little baby Brinkley.  What if he decided he wanted to be allergic to amoxicillin????  It could happen you know!  Khaim is allergic to every antibiotic under the sun!  Oh the joys of motherhood!  I know this is just the beginning of my long life of worry ahead of me.......