How Old Are My Babies?

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Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well, today I have decided I have a new favorite number: 29!!!  I went to the doctor today, January 29th.  Everything looks good, except my iron levels have dropped so he gave me a prescription for iron pills.  Joy of joys.  ANYWAY, while I was there they weighed me in and he measured my belly.  I am 29 weeks along, I have gained 29 pounds, and my belly measured 29 centimeters.  And well, we all know I'm 29 years old.  So lets recap:  January 29th, 29 years old, 29 weeks pregnant, 29 pounds gained, belly measured 29 centimeters.  So you see, I have no choice but to consider 29 my lucky number!!!!

I also had to get my Rhogam shot today.  This is to protect baby from my negative blood type.  Um yea...that shot hurt!  I have to get another one after I give birth.  Joy of joys...again.  I have to thank my dad for this.  He is ultimately the reason I have this big pain in my, um....rear end right now!!!  THANKS DAD!  

I also read today that being left-handed can make for a more presidential demeanor.  And since James is left-handed, there is a good chance I may be cooking a future US president.  I'm just sayin....

OK, all that being said, I never got around to posting my 28 week belly pic.  So here it is....along with my 4 week pic so I can remember that I've not always been HUGE!!!
Oh man!!!!  I miss my tan!!!!


Anonymous said...

woah i didnt even notice the tan until you mentioned im getting a mystic tan this week! woo hoo!