Ha ha! I know Preston's not one year old...far frome it! But this blog is officially one year old. I haven't had much time to update it since Preston's been born, but I just couldn't let it go. So I have paid for another year to have this url. Who knows....maybe there will be another baby Brinkley on the way before it expires again! LOL I just can't believe it's been a whole year since we found out we were going to be parents!

Anyway, Preston is now 17 weeks old. Or 4 months and 3 days as the ticker at the top of the blog indicates. I would love to say that I haven't been able to update because all my time is spent laughing and giggling with Preston, but actually all my time is spend trying to keep him from crying and screaming. Poor baby just wants to be held and walked by his momma. He screams if I sit down, screams if I sit/lay him down, screams if I give him to someone else. Bless his little heart! First I thought it was just colic and he would get over it by the time he was 4 months old. WELLLLLL...he's 4 months now and it's not really getting any better. We have moments of happiness and those are WONDERFUL!
I've tried to do a little research (with the extra time I have...LOL) and found some info from Dr. Sears about "High Needs Babies". Preston TOTALLY fits in this catagory. Below I is the link for Dr. Sears' website and the 12 features of a high needs baby:
Like I said...it's not all bad. We have moments of happiness and we try to catch those on camera every chance we get!
Well, I turned 30 on July 27th, so James, Preston, and I headed to Savannah for a nice weekend get-a-way. While we were there, Preston got in the ocean for the first time. He handled getting splashed in the face by the salt water surprisingly well!
Preston also made the trip up to Indiana for the 4th of July. So at the ripe ole age of 3 months, Preston had made it to 6 different states! (Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, and Indiana) He's quite the traveler (well not really...he fussed the majority of the time he was awake! James and I prayed for him to fall back to sleep each time he woke up! He could've done better, but it could've been a LOT worse, so we're not complaining!).
Over the last 10 weeks (since my last post) Preston has discovered his hands, sucked his thumb, found his feet, and can reach for toys now. He still refuses to roll over and for now, that's fine with me. I know if I lay him on the bed...he's still going to be there. DON'T FLAME ME! I KNOW HE WILL ROLL OVER PROBABLY WHEN I'M NOT LOOKING SO I NEVER LEAVE HIM IN AN UNSAFE PLACE! The other night he also tried eating solid foods for the first time. We tried to feed him some rice cereal and he really didn't do too bad. Most of the cereal ended up ON him and not IN him, but I hear that's normal for the first month of trying.
im so happy so see a new post!! Youve been such a great mom to Preston. You've really been there for him, Rissa. And you guys are going to share so many more wonderful moments together laughing! I love the pic of him holding his feet. He looks like such a sweetie!
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