Preston had his 4 month check up (and shots but we don't like to talk about those!) last month and he's a chunky monkey! He weighed 15 pounds and 9 ounces....that put him in the 75% for weight. He was 26 inches long....which put him the 75% for height! I'm so amazed that my body did that for him! So many times I wanted to quit nursing him and I have no idea why I didn't stop, but now I'm so glad I stuck with it!
Preston also rolled over for the first time on Saturday, August 29th! I was soooo relieved. I felt like he was WAY behind all the other babies his age. But since he doesn't like to be put down or left alone, it's not surprising that he hadn't rolled over. James put him on the couch cushion, which kind of slants towards the back of the couch, so he would have a little extra help getting momentum. He cried both times he did it, but he did it! Then he did it 2 more times on the bed after that. Terri (the daycare lady) said he rolled over twice for her today on the floor, so I think he might have it down! She also said he scooted around about 45 degrees today on all fours. YAY! I was so afraid he would never get up on all fours and NEVER crawl! I didn't want him to miss that step and go straight to walking!
He also likes to try to pull himself up to a sitting position. The doctor said he had "great tone" when he was sitting (whatever that means, but I'll take it :) so she thought he would be sitting by himself soon....(*crossing fingers here*).
He's also been having one solid meal every evening. We've tried rice cereal, prunes, applesauce, peas, squash, sweet potatoes, and green beans. He's LOVED everything except the rice cereal and peas, so we've cut those out for now. We might try the peas again later, but pretty much just putting the rice cereal in his daycare bottles now. We're going to try carrots next....hope he likes them!!!
Rice Cereal on top...Prunes on bottom. Can you tell the difference in how much he liked them?!?!? He's getting so much better at eating solids now...he hardly gets ANY food on his bib now! Such a big boy! Where does the time go?!?!?!?!
Congrats to Preston for rolling over! Babies all do things at different times. Dont ever worry about him being behind!
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