How Old Are My Babies?

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Friday, May 29, 2009

7 Weeks Old and Counting....

Man, life is so hectic with a newborn!!  Preston is 7 weeks old today and I'm wondering where in the world my teeny-tiny baby went!!  He's getting so big!  I'm so sorry I haven't been able to update this blog in over a month.  Poor baby has acid reflux and a touch of colic so he's been a handful to say the least.  We're just now getting to a point where he'll lay down quietly for a few minutes.  He's been eating, sleeping or screaming for 6.5 weeks.  SERIOUSLY!  If he wasn't eating or sleeping, he was screaming.  It's been rough, but we're hanging in there.  

The doctor ordered an upper GI on the little guy to see if he had any anatomical abnormalities other than the reflux, and THANK GOD he didn't!  So we give him Zantac every 6 hours and pray for good days!  BLESS HIS HEART!  She originally thought he had some kind of swallowing problem, but it turns out he's a little bit tongue tied.  However, no bad enough for a visit to the ENT to have it clipped.  

I go back to work Monday, June 1st and I'm really dreading it.  I know he'll be fine and is in good hands with the daycare lady, Terri.  She's wonderful!  But the thought of him crying all day without me there to comfort him is horrifying.  HORRIFYING!  It breaks my heart just thinking about it now!  SO I won't....

Some people have been asking about my birth story and there's not really much to tell.  The labor and delivery were boring...and by boring I mean nothing out of the ordinary happened.  I had contractions, dilated, then pushed him out.  Of course to me there was nothing boring about the entire thing!  I tried really hard to go all natural for the birth, but got a little scared around 6 cm when some friends were in the room talking about how hard the pushing was going to be.  SO I wimped out and got the epidural.  When they checked me right after the epidural was put in, I was at 8 cm.  So I made it all the way to 8 cm with out the epidural.  I was really dissappointed in myself.  I totally could have made it!  Especially since the epi didn't kick in for another 15-20 minutes!!!  Anyway, all the excitement happened after Preston made his grand entrance!  I'll get to that in a minute...for now here's a little timeline of the birth:

6:05 - arrived at the hospital to be admitted
6:45 - 3 cm dilated; started Pitocin
8:00 - baby's heart rate supposedly dropped so they stopped the Pitocin (in reality, I moved and the monitor was picking up my heart instead of Preston's)
9:35 - Dr. Dean came and broke my water
11:30 - 4 cm/70% effaced  Contractions coming every 3 minutes
12:20 - 6 cm/80% effaced  Contractions coming every 1-2 minutes
1:20 - Epidural administered
1:30 - 8 cm still feeling contractions
2:45 - 9 cm/90% effaced...feeling no pain but can still have all feeling in my legs
3:50 - 10 cm/100%  Got prepped for delivery!
4:00 - started pushing

Then 30 minutes later a tornado came to town and we were wisked into the hallway of the OR waiting out the storm.  The entire hospital was on lockdown and everyone who was there to visit us had to wait in a hallway as well.  It was HORRIBLE!  I hadn't eaten ALL DAY and was STARVING!  Not to mention so was Preston and we were in a hallway with a bunch of strangers!  Finally a nurse came and put up a screen to separate us from everyone else so I could feed my baby...and she brought me a few crackers.  We didn't get into our room until after 7:30.  I can't remember the exact time.  But we didn't find out what Preston's "stats" were until after 7:00!  No one got to see Preston until after he spent a few minutes in the nursery getting cleaned up.  Needless to say it was a long, exhausting day and the tornado didn't help ONE BIT!!!

Oops...Preston woke up!  Gotta run, but here is a link to some pictures that we've taken over the past 7 weeks (and there are more that I haven't uploaded yet!  YIKES!)


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