Remember the first post on August 13, 2008 is in the "Older Posts" so if you want to start reading from the first post, you will need to keep clicking on "Older Posts" until you get to the beginning!
Posted by Momma Brinkley at 5:47 PM 0 comments
Preston had his 6 month check up on October 22 (almost 2 weeks late and I'm still bitter!). He weighed 18 pounds 10 ounces and was 27 3/4 inches (I thought it was closer to 28 inches, but she didn't think I had his head up agains the board...whatever!). He's HUGE!!! He is in the 90th percentile for height and the 75th percentile for weight. Dr. Rodgers nicely put it..."He's bigger than the average baby, that's for sure!" Hahahahaha! Yes he is! She also said he's not fat since he's taller than he is heavy...if that make sense. I thought I wasn't feeding him enough, but HA! That is not the case OBVIOUSLY! He did get 3 shots, which he took like a champ. He screamed when she stuck the needle in, but then quit as soon as it was over; only to scream again two more times. Mean nurse! He stopped crying as soon as it was over. I picked him up and hugged him. He cuddled into my chest for only a few seconds before he sat up and started playing with my necklace. My big guy!!!
Posted by Momma Brinkley at 9:41 PM 1 comments
My child is 5 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days old today (according to the ticker at the top...I did NOT count the days on the calendar to figure that out...I don't have time for such silliness :) and he finally has done something that I have bittersweet feelings about; but should be elated! He slept in his own bed ALL night for two nights in a row now. And he actually slept!
Posted by Momma Brinkley at 6:03 PM 2 comments
Preston had his 4 month check up (and shots but we don't like to talk about those!) last month and he's a chunky monkey! He weighed 15 pounds and 9 ounces....that put him in the 75% for weight. He was 26 inches long....which put him the 75% for height! I'm so amazed that my body did that for him! So many times I wanted to quit nursing him and I have no idea why I didn't stop, but now I'm so glad I stuck with it!
Posted by Momma Brinkley at 5:32 PM 1 comments
Posted by Momma Brinkley at 11:43 AM 1 comments
Man, life is so hectic with a newborn!! Preston is 7 weeks old today and I'm wondering where in the world my teeny-tiny baby went!! He's getting so big! I'm so sorry I haven't been able to update this blog in over a month. Poor baby has acid reflux and a touch of colic so he's been a handful to say the least. We're just now getting to a point where he'll lay down quietly for a few minutes. He's been eating, sleeping or screaming for 6.5 weeks. SERIOUSLY! If he wasn't eating or sleeping, he was screaming. It's been rough, but we're hanging in there.
Posted by Momma Brinkley at 11:57 AM 1 comments
Posted by Momma Brinkley at 1:29 PM 1 comments
4/10 is what James says when we hang up the phone. Not sure why or how it started, but instead of saying "10-4" like the rest of the world does when signing off, he switches it up. So this is the reason I jumped at the chance of having Preston's birthday be April 10th (4/10). That's right my friends....Dr. Brass offered to induce me and I said YES!!! So if all goes well, little Preston James will be here Friday! AHHHHHHHH!!!!! So exciting and nerve-wracking all at the same time!Since it's been an entire month since I last posted there is LOTS to catch up. Ok, so the first paragraph is the MAIN source of info, but I have a few more belly pictures, pictures of the nursery, and a picture of what MIGHT be Preston's coming home outfit (still deciding on this...).
Posted by Momma Brinkley at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Remembering to take my belly pics might not seem like a hard task, BUT IT IS!!! I'm so tired all the time that I can't remember anything, and when I DO remember to take the pic, I'm too tired to do it!!! Being pregnant is HARD! LOL I haven't had the energy or the memory to take a picture since 28 weeks, so here I am 6 weeks later! Not too much of a difference, but there IS a little bit of growth. I'll try to remember to take/post the pictures for the remaining weeks!
Posted by Momma Brinkley at 8:57 PM 1 comments
Wow it's been a while since I posted! SORRY! We did go back for another 4D ultrasound, but it didn't go much better. At first baby was facing my back and wouldn't turn around. BOOGER! So we went to the doctor's appointment, drank some cold water, did a few squats, and went back. VOILA! He turned around!!! ONLY he kept his hands (that's right I said handS...both of them!) over his face the whole time. He's either REALLY camera shy like his daddy or a little bit on the ornery side. Maybe it's a little bit of both (LORD KNOWS his daddy is! LOL, but that's why we love him!) But we were able to get some great pictures of his cute little hands. Looks like there are 5 cute little fingers on each hand! No need to count them when he decides to come into the world! Anyway, here are the pictures and for the first time EVER I can proudly say.....INTRODUCING PRESTON JAMES BRINKLEY!!!!!
Posted by Momma Brinkley at 5:56 PM 1 comments
Well James and I went yesterday for our 4D ultrasound and were a little disappointed in Lil Man. Baby decided he didn't want to be seen, so he kept his little arm in front of his face almost the WHOLE TIME! He's already a little booger!!! After about 30 minutes of the tech shaking the heck out of my belly, getting up and walking around, going to the restroom, and almost faiting on the table, baby finally moved his arm just long enough to catch a few pictures of the side of his face. THEN he turned around backwards so we could only see the back of his head. So it wasn't what we were hoping it would be and I don't think the pictures are clear enough to tell who he looks like yet (although I found a picture of me in my baby book that is seriously the spitting image of the first picture below.....but that could be wishful thinking :) but we are going back next Friday to have a repeat ultrasound done. If the little guy won't cooperate then, we will have paid $140 for nothing. We only get one "Mulligan" on this so we will have to pay again if we don't get good pictures next week. AND since I'm still all sorts of nervous about not getting everything we need because I only have one more shower scheduled, we'll probably just save the $140 for something from the registry (like the pack-n-play we want, but haven't gotten yet.......if anyone wants to go in on it with us! LOL j/k). So here are the pictures we did get....stay tuned for (HOPEFULLY) better ones next week!
Posted by Momma Brinkley at 9:24 AM 0 comments
Well, today I have decided I have a new favorite number: 29!!! I went to the doctor today, January 29th. Everything looks good, except my iron levels have dropped so he gave me a prescription for iron pills. Joy of joys. ANYWAY, while I was there they weighed me in and he measured my belly. I am 29 weeks along, I have gained 29 pounds, and my belly measured 29 centimeters. And well, we all know I'm 29 years old. So lets recap: January 29th, 29 years old, 29 weeks pregnant, 29 pounds gained, belly measured 29 centimeters. So you see, I have no choice but to consider 29 my lucky number!!!!
Posted by Momma Brinkley at 8:54 PM 1 comments
Whew! Where do I begin??? There is soooo much I need to post that I'll probably forget something!
Posted by Momma Brinkley at 6:45 PM 1 comments