How Old Are My Babies?

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Sunday, September 27, 2009


My child is 5 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days old today (according to the ticker at the top...I did NOT count the days on the calendar to figure that out...I don't have time for such silliness :) and he finally has done something that I have bittersweet feelings about; but should be elated!  He slept in his own bed ALL night for two nights in a row now.  And he actually slept!  

I, of course, was a nervous wreck so I slept upstairs in one of the spare bedrooms to be close to him.  I will probably stay in said spare bedroom for a while until I can get my Stinerpot to sleep ALL night without waking up around say 1 or 2 am for a feeding.  The book I bought "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" says that by 4-5 months, babies don't need a feeding in the middle of the night.  They should be able to sleep 10 hours without a feed.  I understand this to be fact, but ONE THING AT A TIME PEOPLE!!!  I just got my baby out of my room and into his own room....where he's in a big crib, all alone, by himself, without his mommy!  I hope he's not scared!  Maybe I should rethink this.....???

Anyway, Preston turns 6 months old soon and will be going for more shot.  BOO!  More importantly though, he will be measured again and I can't WAIT to hear his new "stats".  I hope Mommy Milk has done its job well again!!!  

Speaking of Mommy Milk, 6 months was my goal and it totally looks like I'm going to make it!  WOW!  After all that complaining I did and all those times I wanted to quit, the time is here.  It's here!  Now I've got all these sad feelings.  How am I going to be able to let go of my nursing relationship?  I know that once I am able to just whip out some powder and shake up a bottle while still continuing my conversations with friends while we are out to dinner, I will realize that I'm just fine.  But what about those times when we're home and he's hungry?  I LOVE that he wants his momma to comfort him.  Ahhhhhhh!!!!!  I'm so freakin' indecisive, it's scary!!!  I never used to be like this...I always made fun of Kirsten because of her complete lack of ablity to make a decision!!!  

OK...because I can't post without showing off my little Stinkerpot, here he is with his favorite toy: 

(and it's his favorite toy because I SAID SO!  Bwahahahahahaha!!!)


Sandy said...

Everytime you miss breastfeeding, look down at your boobs and smile!

SB said...

lol Sandy is hilarious!
Although I only breastfed for 6 weeks, it was a difficult decision for me to quit too. It's extremely emotional, a lot like moving the baby into his own room. God, that was hard too! But I have a friend who is trying to ween her 1 year old off breastfeeding and now he pulls at her shirt and tries to take it off to get to her bbs. I'd say you dont want to wait until Preston's doing that!