How Old Are My Babies?

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

6 Weeks!! Picture Time!

Well, it's a little late but since I couldn't resist Sandy's wonderful chanting in her comment, here it is; my 6 week (and 2 days) belly pic!!  Of course I posted the 5 week pic (left) for comparison. I'm pretty sure I'm getting smaller :)  Actually I think my body is just getting used to the extra progesterone and the bloating is finally going down!  

I finally broke down and scheduled my first OB appointment!  Because everything with my cycle has been crazy since losing the last baby, they wanted to see me early, so I am going in at 8 weeks instead of the usual 10 weeks!  That's SO exciting!  Hopefully (and God willing!) I will be able to post the first picture of Baby Brinkley on September 9!!!  Only two weeks away!  Anyone want to take guesses on what the heart rate will be!?!?!?


Anonymous said...

Lucky girl! my bloating never went away! LOL